By Colleen O'Rourke
Imagine being just 50 years old, a Mom to six children, a grandmother, and a very busy grocery superstore manager, and finding your world turned upside down due to a heart attack. After a long scary week in hospital Anne Marie had three stents inserted due to two major vessels being impacted, and was also diagnosed with diabetes. Her cardiologist counseled Anne Marie to join the Reh-Fit Cardiac Rehabilitation Program.
Anne Marie will never forget walking from her car to the front door of the Reh-Fit Centre on day one. It turned into a longer walk as she found herself having to stop half way to catch her breath and gain the strength to continue. She was overwhelmed with uncertainty, fear, health and family worries, and the pain from her recent heart procedures.
The trepidation of starting something new at a low point in her health soon gave way to a world of community and the expert fitness and medical care that is Reh-Fit.
“I immediately felt safe and that everyone in cardiac rehab was seen and treated as an individual. I felt like I was part of the family."
The feeling of camaraderie and comfort in the fitness and medical personnel caring for her made the difference and soon set her on a path that would change her life for the better in every way.
Having six children, one of whom is a special needs daughter, and a very busy work life meant that before joining Reh-Fit, everyone else’s needs came ahead of her own. Joining Reh-Fit as an individual member after her Cardiac Rehab program was completed, set Anne Marie on a new path of work/ life balance. She gained a new understanding of how her own good health and well-being would bring value to the others in her life.
“I took advantage of everything my membership included from dietitian consult, fitness classes, stress
test and In Body assessment”.
Anne Marie gained so much confidence that when she joined as a member, she initially thought she might be able to allocate working out 3 times a week for an hour or so but quickly realized she wanted to make Reh-Fit a part of her daily life. She often works out 6 to 7 times a week for a couple of hours at a time.
That dedicated time which she previously did not think was possible in her busy life, gave her the strength and well-being to ensure that her obligations, both at work and at home, are handled with more ease including lifting and caring for her daughter.
Since joining Reh-Fit as a member in 2022, Anne Marie has lost 90 pounds! AND can now fit into her wedding dress! She is particularly proud of beating her young grandson in a foot race recently. All admirable accomplishments and joyful outcomes to a life dedicated to health and well-being.
She is known for her love of the track along with other fitness equipment at Reh-Fit and now has a new and amazing goal, to take part in the annual Nizemegan March in the Netherlands. This is the largest multiple-day marching event in the world with tens of thousands of international participants.
Anne Marie chose this particular event in honour of her Mom who was born in Holland and she knows that with the help of Reh-Fit and her own brave and determined spirit she can achieve this exciting adventure in the next couple of years. You go Anne Marie! We believe in you.
You can give the gift of health and well-being today.
As Canada’s first certified medical fitness facility, the Reh-Fit Centre provides expert health and fitness services that not only enable rehabilitation from serious health concerns, but help people of all ages and fitness levels maintain their health and well-being.
None of that would be possible without the help of donors.
Membership fees do not cover all costs for the Reh-Fit Centre, so donations made to the Reh-Fit Foundation are integral to achieve its mission. By giving to the Reh-Fit Foundation, you are supporting the Reh-Fit Centre through four main pillars – rehabilitation, prevention, accessibility, and research and education. Donations allow us to continue to operate as a state-of-the-art facility that is welcoming and accessible to the community.
Donate to the Reh-Fit Foundation today to help make more stories like Anne Marie's possible.