by Amna Sapru; Reviewed by Elahe Askari, RD

As we continue to steer through the pandemic, here are some simple measures to stay safe, look after our health, and consume a balanced, nutritious diet.

Tips for wellness and nutrition:

  • Reduce visits to the supermarket: try shopping biweekly instead of weekly or ordering online.
  • Set a routine to fit your schedule, eat meals at regular times to avoid cravings, and provide sustained energy. This will also help to improve focus and concentration.
  • Plan ahead: make a grocery list, think about meals, snacks, beverages, taste preferences, and time available for food preparation.
  • Stock a variety of nutritious foods: include products from the different food groups such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and proteins. Incorporate a range of fresh, frozen, canned, and dry produce. Consider buying staple food items in bulk including fresh goods that can be frozen for later use.
  • Flavorings: make use of fresh and dried herbs, lemons, limes, garlic, ginger, and a variety of spices for natural, low calorie, low salt options to enhance flavor, and gain added benefits of vitamins and minerals.

For further information and guidance, book an appointment with our registered dietitian.