Manual Osteopathy at the Reh-Fit
There are limited certified osteopaths available in Winnipeg. Members have requested having manual osteopathy available at the Reh-Fit. Many have insurance coverage for osteopathy but cannot access these services easily. Plus, Reh-Fit members love taking advantage of the flexibility and convenience of booking appointments at a place they already frequent regularly. Our massage therapist Bonnie is now certified and can offer this service to our members. 
Bonnie Knapp
Bonnie graduated from the Canadian College of Osteopathy in 2021. She completed the 5-year program and her thesis, which explored the potential benefits of osteopathy for those with cardiovascular disease. Bonnie’s training and background in massage therapy allow her to view the body through a unique lens. 

Time Cost
60-minute appointment $120.00

Manual osteopathy may be claimed through third-party insurance.