As we all consider how to continue safely with exercise and prevent the health effects associated with being sedentary, we must remember: physical activity is crucial to our health and well-being. And a certified personal trainer can help.

Personal Connection in a Physically Distanced Era

When it comes to the benefits of personal training, ‘personal’ is the keyword here. We are social beings. Nothing beats one-on-one connection, even though this might look a little bit different during a pandemic. 

What Personal Training Is (and What It Isn’t)

Having the right trainer on your side can make all the difference. Our trainers are here to provide the encouragement, knowledge, and motivation you need to start or maintain your routine. Working with a personal trainer can help you reach your goals by making your workouts more productive, motivational, safe, and time efficient.

One of the most common misconceptions about personal training is it is just for advanced exercisers or elite athletes. It’s quite the opposite. In fact, many of our members are simply looking for an accountability partner, or want to ensure they are keeping proper form. Others require a personalized approach due to chronic conditions. Still, if you are looking to challenge yourself, we can find the right personal trainer for you.

Picking a Trainer

Personal trainers aren’t one-size-fits-all. Reh-Fit personal trainers have a variety of specialty areas of focus that come from dedicated experience and training. The one commonality: all Reh-Fit personal trainers have a bachelor’s degree and many are personal trainers with certification from the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiologists, Canada’s recognized authority in exercise science and prescription, integrating research into best practice.

How Often to Meet Your Trainer

Another misconception about personal training is you must meet your trainer weekly or multiple times per week. While this works for some, others prefer to see their trainer on a monthly, seasonal, or yearly basis as a way to check in on their exercise program.

Your personal training sessions can range from regular, weekly one-on-one sessions or you can set up a more flexible arrangement where your trainer will help tailor your exercise plan, meeting for one-one-one sessions less regularly. It’s up to you.

The Takeaway

Staying active during the pandemic is critical to our health and well-being – do whatever you need to do to keep yourself moving. A certified personal trainer can help you on your mission to stay active.

There has never been a better time to get started with a personal trainer. Head to to learn more and get started with a personal trainer today.